The field of combating domestic violence has undergone many beneficial changes in the applicable law, the most important of them having effects in the scope of the procedure of issuing the protection order, by introducing an order regarding provisional protection, as well as by creating the applicable law for intervention of the local authorities in urgent cases.
According to the latest legislative news, Order no. 2525/2018 was adopted regarding the approval of the procedure for emergency intervention in cases of domestic violence, published in the Official Gazette no. 95/2019.
In cases of domestic violence, the emergency intervention is carried out by the mobile team made up of representatives of the public social service service (SPAS) or, as the case may be, by the representatives of the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC).
In order to ensure efficiency, operability and permanence regarding emergency intervention in cases of domestic violence, local / county councils have the responsibility to organize, coordinate and support the work of the mobile team in terms of allocating all the human, material and financial resources necessary for the intervention of expedite.
Among the most important tasks of the mobile team are: verification of the domestic violence alerts performed by telephone lines of authorized public institutions, including emergency telephone lines, other than the emergency single emergency number at national level (SNUAU) – 112, carrying out the evaluation of the initial level of risk from the perspective of providing social services and establishing the necessary safety measures for victims of domestic violence, as well as informing, counseling and supporting the victims of domestic violence.
In the matter of the provisional protection order, in order to facilitate its issuance, the public social assistance services have the obligation that within 15 days from the entry into force of the present procedure to make available to the police the contact details of the coordinator of the mobile team / the assigned SPAS within the mobile team and the list of all residential centers offering shelter for homeless people.